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We represent our business clients at all stages of the business life cycle.  Whether you require an incorporation to start your business, or are considering business purchase, sale or expansion, we will ensure that you receive high quality and cost effective legal representation.  We protect our clients, who are partners, shareholders and investors, and their interests by preparing iron-clad agreements with other owners and investors.  We also draft, review and negotiate various contracts and leases between business owners and their suppliers, distributors, customers and landlords.  We employ a multi-disciplinary approach to providing legal services, which allows us to anticipate issues and present options when a business is faced with critical decisions.  Our motivation throughout is to help our business clients experience continued growth and success.

Please feel free to contact us regarding any of the following services: Incorporation, Business Purchase & Sale, Partnership Agreements, Shareholder Agreements, Joint Venture Agreements, Contract Preparation and Commercial Leases.